Liveness detection

Stop identity fraud by thwarting both physical and digital attacks with our liveness detection solution.

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Unissey, the most robust liveness detection solution to protect your customers from identity theft.

PAD Liveness Detection

To counter physical presentation attacks: 2D/3D masks, printed photos, silicone, resin, latex masks, and projected videos.

IAD Liveness Detection

To detect digital attacks through video injection.

What about Deepfakes?

Deepfakes, real threats to digital security, require adaptive protection. Our "holistic" approach tackles deepfake attacks at their source, regardless of type or technology used. This ensures continuous protection against identity fraud, safeguarding you from future generations of deepfake threats.

Why work with Unissey for Liveness Detection?

Strengthen your customers' and their users' trust by adopting the most robust solution on themarket:

Ibeta ISO 30107- 3 compliant, Level 1 & 2 :

Smartphone : APCER=0% & BPCER=0%
Laptop : APCER=0% & BPCER=2%

Unissey is the only solution that meets the ISO 30107-3 standard for both mobile AND desktop. This means that a switch to a smartphone is not necessary when the user starts their journey on a computer, ensuring a smoother experience.

CLR : ISO 30107- 3 compliant, Level 1 & 2  :


LSTI : ISO 30107-3 certified - Level 1&2 :


With a proven track record of over 70,000 successful security tests, Unissey is the gold standard in facial biometrics. We are not only evaluated as compliant, but certified ISO 30107-3.

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Optimize user experience and boost your clients' conversion rates with a solution:

  • Passif : no action required from the user
  • Fast : response time under 2 seconds
  • Universal : works on all devices, everywhere, and for everyone.
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Diversify remote identity verification processes with a flexible and easy-to-integrate solution:

  • Integration : API - SDK web & mobile
  • Déployement : SaaS - On-premise
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They trust us

“As a major trust service provider, we are committed to offering the best to our clients for securing their activities and protecting their customers. This partnership with UNISSEY will allow us to optimally meet their remote identity verification needs. Banking, insurance, real estate, regulated activities... there are many sectors to develop, providing numerous opportunities for us to further establish ourselves as leaders in trust services."

Renaud Bac

General Manager of DOXALLIA

Frequently asked questions

What is a presentation attack?

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A presentation attack is an identity theft technique where the fraudster presents an artifact representing their target (such as a printed photo, mask, or video displayed on a tablet) in front of the camera used by the facial biometrics system in an attempt to be identified.

What is an injection attack?

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A video injection attack is an identity fraud technique where a video (real or manipulated) is injected into the capture or transmission system to bypass liveness detection systems.

Is a deepfake the same as an injection attack?

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Not necessarily. While deepfakes are generated by Artificial Intelligence and are often injected, a fraudster can also present a deepfake physically in front of the camera (on a tablet, for example).

What do APCER and BPCER mean?

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APCER, or Attack Presentation Classification Error Rate, is the proportion of attacks incorrectly classified as genuine (real person). The higher the APCER, the more compromised the solution's security is (more attacks succeed).BPCER, or Bonafide Presentation Classification Error Rate, is the proportion of genuine users (real people) incorrectly classified as attacks. The higher the BPCER, the worse the user experience is (many legitimate people are falsely rejected).

What are iBeta, CLR, and LSTI?

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iBeta is an American lab, now a global benchmark in the sector, that evaluates all players in
the biometrics industry.
CLR Labs is an independent European security evaluation lab for technologies, products,
and services related to digital identity, biometrics, mobile security, data protection, and cybersecurity. It is also the publisher of the European standard on biometric injection
LSTI is a compliance evaluation organization specializing in cybersecurity and data
protection, recognized as one of the major certification bodies in Europe for evaluating trust
service providers under the eIDAS regulation, ISO/IEC 27001 standards, and ANSSI's cyber

What is a "cybersecurity" approach to evaluation?

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A "cybersecurity" approach means that sophisticated and custom-designed attacks have been specifically crafted to test Unissey's algorithms.

Ready to fight identity fraud ?

Our facial biometrics experts are available to discuss your needs.

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